March 16, 2014

The ASAA first PSA posted to YouTube seven years ago... a classic, Thanks NIH!

March 15, 2014

Must-have-titles for your Sleep Bookshelf...

 Dr. Dement's 1991 book set the stage for the discussion about the importance of sleep to health. Our hope is that he will have an opportunity to provided an updated version.

Dr. Lavie's book is a fascinating history of the study of breathing with some unlikely characters along the way.

Dr. Park, an ENT surgeon has an interesting take on how to address issues of sleep and sleep- disordered breathing.

A newcomer to the list - Matthew Walker shares the advances in our understanding sleep and dreams.

There are so many other volumes on the subject worth reading and having as part of your sleep library.

Sleep well.

March 14, 2014

One chapter ends and another begins….

After 10 years at the helm of the American Sleep Apnea Association, I step down, bowing to the Board of Directors’ decision to set a new direction for the Association under new leadership.

I am proud of what we have accomplished to raise the visibility of the ASAA, putting the patient at the center in our efforts to combat sleep-disordered breathing along with our partners nationwide.

Successes with shout-outs –

 ·        First Sleep Apnea Awareness Day lecture with David Rapoport (2005)
 ·        Apnea Support Forum with Michael Sussman and Linda Duyer (2005)
 ·        Open Letter to the Sleep Community published in the Journal of Clinical     Sleep Medicine with Kingman Strohl (2006)
 ·        Remake of the “What Is Sleep Apnea?” video with Deborah Papier (2008)
 ·        First Sleep Apnea and Trucking Conference with Reid Blank and Bob Stanton (2010)
 ·        CPAP Assistance Program with Mark Seager and Kalimah Ashby (2011)
 ·        Chairing the first International Roundtable of Sleep Apnea Patient Organizations at the World Congress of Sleep Apnea with Mario Fabiani (2012)
 ·        Proposal to the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute for a Patient-Powered Research Network with Susan Redline, Steve DeCelle and Carl Stepnowsky (2013)

What’s next?

Not clear as of now – what I am hoping for is to continue my efforts to promote sleep health and to leverage what and who I know to help people get the good night’s sleep they need and deserve.